• The TARGIT case

    Becoming intent driven high performers

    in only one year


    In early 2021, TARGIT, a business intelligence SaaS company, launched a new strategy aimed at creating an intent-driven culture. This strategy focused on aligning the organization, enhancing customer focus, and increasing adaptability.


    To support these goals, TARGIT used CultureDrivers’ TeamDrivers assessments, which measured team and leadership performance.

    broken image

    The results, however, showed that TARGIT’s team collaboration and leadership scores were below average compared to benchmark data, with significant variations across teams. While some teams excelled, others faced deep engagement challenges.

  • "It was not a very encouraging result. Compared to the

    benchmarking data, TARGIT scored below average on both team collaboration

    and leader characteristics, and it was a complex and uneven picture”.


    The first move

    In response, all teams and leaders participated in interpreting their feedback, identifying a few key themes, and implementing specific actions. By mid-2021, these efforts led to improvements, as the overall performance score increased from the 38th to the 49th percentile. However, several challenges remained, and leadership decided that further investment in leadership training was not the right solution. Instead, TARGIT sought ways to engage the entire organization in the strategy and build alignment.

    The second step

    To accelerate progress, TARGIT organized a 2-day strategy workshop in Aarhus, Denmark, in which all 60 employees (including 15 from the U.S.) participated. The event aimed to engage everyone in understanding the broader strategy through customer interviews, analyst insights, and interactive exercises, all with the goal of creating high alignment. By the end of the workshop, each team had developed its own "Team Intent"—a clear statement of what the team wanted to achieve and why it was important—along with a prioritized set of tactical tasks that all team members committed to.


    Recognizing the importance of sustaining momentum after the event, the management team ensured that the day-to-day agenda reflected the decisions made during the workshop. This commitment to alignment and intent helped empower individuals and teams, allowing them to operate with greater autonomy while staying connected to the overall strategy.

    "Every team left the event with their individual Team Intent (What do we want to achieve and why is this important?) and a clear prioritization of a few tactical tasks, that everyone committed to”


    The results

    By early 2022, TARGIT's efforts had paid off. A follow-up TeamDrivers assessment showed that both team and leadership scores had risen significantly. The average team score moved from the 38th to the 71st percentile, while leadership scores increased from the 37th to the 68th percentile. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of TARGIT's approach to building a high-performance, intent-driven culture.

    Jakob, the company’s leader, noted that the improvement validated his belief in the power of straight talk, strategic alignment, meaningful work, and empowerment as motivators.


    TARGIT has a continued partnership with CultureDrivers and maintain its focus on strategy execution through empowerment.


    Most recently our partnership with TARGIT exemplifies the power of turning employee feedback into actionable insights. By utilizing innovative assessment tools, we have empowered TARGIT’s leaders and teams to cultivate a dynamic and thriving organizational culture. Together, we’re setting the standard for data-driven leadership and employee engagement.


    Read the TARGIT blog post : How Team TARGIT Uses AI to Strengthen Company Culture and Communication