• HabitDrivers

    Change habits - one behavior at a time

    HabitDrivers for Individuals

    HabitDrivers can help any person achieve a sustainable change in behavior through deliberate effort.


    HabitDrivers use a set of simple and applicable principles, rooted in psychological research and neuroscience, that help people move from great intentions to drive measurable change:

    • Step 1: You, and a few people who knows you well, go through a simple process leading to the choice of one nano-behavior to focus on (appx. 1 hour)
    • Step 2:  During 4 weeks, a few people you trust is asked to support you and the nano-behavior, and you receive a weekly status update and other nudges
    • Step 3: After 4 weeks, you are encouraged to meet for a Pit Stop, where you reflect on mutual impact and on potential next steps.


    1-4 month duration (1 hour start up + 5 minutes/week plus Pit Stops)



    Get pricing from info@culturedrivers.com


    Try for free

    You can test HabitDrivers for free (limited to two people per organization).

    HabitDrivers for Teams

    HabitDrivers can help a team achieve a sustainable change in behavior through deliberate effort


    HabitDrivers use a set of simple and applicable principles, rooted in psychological research and neuroscience, that help teams move from great intentions to drive measurable change:

    • Step 1: The team goes through a simple process leading to the choice of one team-behavior to focus on (appx. 1 hour)
    • Step 2: During 8 weeks, every team member is asked weekly if progress is made, and everyone receives a weekly status update and other nudges
    • Step 3: After 8 weeks, the team-members take a Pit Stop meeting to decide if the team wants to continue with a new team-behavior


    2-6 month duration (1 hour start up + 5 minutes/week plus Pit Stops)



    Get pricing from info@culturedrivers.com


    Try for free

    Your team can test HabitDrivers for free (limited to two teams per organization).